Stories and how we tell them – A deep dive into the storytelling of The Last of Us Part II, and one game that did it better.

One game is a gritty, interactive zombie movie, while the other is an over-the-top action-adventure with anime characters dramatically grunting and screaming while fighting giant robots in knock-off Gundam suits. Yet at their core, these games have an uncanny similarity. So uncanny, in fact, that I’d be willing to bet Druckman was inspired by NieR while working on TLOUII. So, if we strip the games of the elements that quite clearly set them apart, and focus on what they have in common, we are left with a pretty clear image of what of The Last of Us Part II works, and what doesn’t. And so much of that lays in one specific element of storytelling: execution.

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“Like a chimp with a machine gun.” - Exploring the genius of Better call Saul, and the relationship with its Big Brother

Derivative art is basically a contradiction. For every Frasier that succeeds in changing the formula, there is a Joey that fails spectacularly. These are all examples of what the industry is after: popular, recognizable worlds that audiences are eager to return to. Better Call Saul is no exception, of course, but while many of these new iterations fail because too tied to their predecessors, it is in branching off and pursuing something different that this show succeeded in finding its own identity.

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Screenwriting and the one story that makes them all – a dive into the language of creative writing for Film

A good, functioning story always has recognizable characteristics. We always move from a place of stasis, to one of change, just like real life. Life is all about remarkable people venturing into the unknown and coming back with something new: new knowledge, an invention, anything that will help our society advance. Stories are about this dichotomy between the known world, where we feel safe, and the unknown world, with perils and trials we need to overcome. Order and Chaos, Life and Death, Consciousness and Unconsciousness: these are the elements that dictate the journey a character goes on, diving and then re-emerging.

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